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Emergency Social Services

"Is Your Family Prepared?"

Emergencies and disasters can happen anywhere, at any time.  One of the best things you can do to protect yourself and your family is to be prepared:

By taking a few simple steps, you can become better prepared to face a range of emergencies – anytime, anywhere. It is important to:

  • Know the risks – Although the consequences of disasters can be similar, knowing the risks specific to our community and our region can help you better prepare.

  • Make a plan – It will help you and your family knows what to do.

  • Get an emergency kit – During an emergency, we will all need some basic supplies. We may need to get by without power or tap water. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours in an emergency.


72-hour Emergency Kit


No one knows for sure when disaster will strike, but we can all be prepared. Create your own 72-hour emergency kit, and you will have the necessary items to help you and your  family until emergency responders can reach you.  Below are items you may want to include in your kit.

Food and water (3-day supply of non-perishables per person required)

  • protein/granola bars

  • trail mix/dried fruit

  • crackers and cereals

  • canned meat, fish and beans

  • canned juice

  • water (4 L per person, include small bottles to carry with you)

Bedding and clothing

  • change of clothing (short- and long-sleeve shirts, pants, socks, undergarments)

  • raincoat/emergency poncho/jacket

  • spare shoes

  • sleeping bags/blankets/emergency heat blankets per person

  • plastic and cloth sheets

Light and fuel

  • hand-crank flashlight or battery-operated flashlights/lamps

  • extra batteries

  • flares

  • candles

  • lighter

  • waterproof matches


  • manual can opener

  • dishes and utensils

  • shovel

  • radio (with spare batteries/hand operated crank)

  • pen and paper

  • axe/pocket knife

  • rope

  • duct tape

  • whistle

  • cell phone charger

  • basic tools

  • small stove with fuel (follow manufacturer’s directions for operation and storage)

Personal supplies and medication

  • first-aid kit

  • toiletries (toilet paper, feminine hygiene, toothbrush)

  • cleaning supplies (hand sanitizer, dish soap, etc.)

  • medication (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, children’s medication, etc., and 3-day supply of prescription medication)

  • pet food and supplies

  • garbage bags

  • toys/reading material

Copies of personal documents, money (in waterproof container)

  • legal documents (birth and marriage certificates, wills, passports, contracts)

  • insurance policies

  • cash in small bills

  • credit card/s

  • prepaid phone cards

  • copy of your emergency plan and contact information


Ready-to-go Kit

Keep ready-to-go kit items in a backpack, duffle bag or suitcase, in an accessible place, such as a front-hall closet.  Make sure your kit is easy to carry, and everyone in the house knows where it is.  Take it with you if you have to leave your house so you can be safe.

  • 4 L of water for each person

  • food that you don’t have to keep cold

  • manual can opener

  • plastic/paper plates, cups, knives, forks, spoons

  • flashlight and extra batteries

  • change of clothes

  • card with emergency contact information and the number of someone to call who lives out of town

  • pet food and supplies for at least three days

  • small first aid kit

  • personal ID card

  • personal hygiene items, soap, hand sanitizer

Store medicine you usually take near your ready-to-go kit.


  • Update your kits every six months (put a note in your calendar/planner) to make sure that food, water, and medication are not expired, clothing fits, personal documents and credit cards are up to date, and batteries are charged.

  • Small toys/games are important; they can provide some comfort and entertainment during a stressful time.

  • Some items and/or flavors might leak, melt, or break open.  Dividing groups of items into individual Ziploc bags might help prevent this.


For more information on Emergency Preparedness follow this link 


For more information on Alberta Emergency Management follow this link  



What to do after a disaster


Remain calm

Help the injured
    Help anyone who is injured. Get your emergency survival kit (the first-aid kit should be with it).

Listen to the radio and television
    Listen to your local radio station on your battery-operated radio for instructions.

Don’t use the phone or cell phones
    Don’t use the telephone unless it is absolutely necessary.  Emergency crews will need all available lines.

Check your home
    Check for fires, fire hazards, gas leaks, damaged utilities and spilled flammable liquids.  Next, confine or secure your pets and check on your neighbors.

Be ready to evacuate or shelter-in-place
    If the emergency is serious enough, you may be asked to leave your home and go to a nearby evacuation center, like a gym or a community hall.  If you have to evacuate:

  • Leave immediately.

  • Take your emergency survival kit with you.

  • Listen to the radio and follow instructions from local emergency officials.

  • If you are instructed to do so, shut off water, gas and electricity.

  • Wear clothes and shoes appropriate to conditions.

  • Lock the house.

  • Follow the routes specified by the officials. Don’t take shortcuts because they could lead you to a blocked or dangerous area.

  • If you have time, leave a note telling others when you left and where you went. If you have a mailbox you could leave the note there.


“You are being evacuated now where do I go?”


Once you have been informed that you have to evacuate your home, please do this as instructed.  If transportation is needed please inform the person giving the evacuation instructions that you need a ride.


Proceed to the Reception center immediately and register before heading out of town or to a friend’s home.  This is extremely important for family and friends who may want to track you down.  If the reception center has no record of where you went then no information can be given to loved ones on your whereabouts.  The reception center is a safe place for you to stay if you have nowhere to go, until you are able to return home.


The Evacuation Reception Centers are located at the following locations for people who reside within the MD of Provost,

including the Villages, Hamlets and Town of Provost.


Evacuaton Recepton Centes

All MD residents (including Hayter, Bodo, Cadogan, Metiskow)

Town of Provost residents

Village of Czar residents

Village of Hughenden residents


 - Provost Recreation and Cultural Center at 5113-43St

 - Provost Recreation and Cultural Center at 5113-43St

  - Czar Recreational and Cultural Centre (Czar Hall) 49th Ave & 48 St

 - Hughenden Community Hall, 14 McKenzie Ave


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